Triplet numbers:
1 / 210, x 105 = 2 x 238,095238
95238 = 4 x 238,0952375 x 10x etc.
2. The Golden section:
The division of U238 in N- and Z-numbers follows
circa the golden section (gs):
(Compare 238 x gs = ~385, a number among amino
acids, see the "exponent series",
3. The "natural logarithm" e:
This divides a 5-dimensional
chain in two numbers 5 - e and e in step 3 - 2,
d-degrees for Mass and Charge as assumed
in Physics:
4. The superposed level 9
7 5 3 1 :
Compare 975/531
x 103 = 1836,156. ~ the mass quotient proton / electron.
975/531 = 2 x 91,8.
x 10-2: 2 x 92 (Z+N equal as in alpha-particles).
531/975 = 54,46.,
x 10-2: 54. = surplus of N.
5. A square for figures 1-9 arranged to give
the sum 15 in all directions:
Note the division of 92 Z in odd 2-figure numbers
35 + 57, circa a partition 2/3:
compare the division of Uranium into Sr (38 Z) and Ba 56 Z.
Note perhaps too the orthogonal
relation between N and Z ! ?
* 15 = the sum of a 5-4-3-2-1-chain.