Particles and waves - the double nature:
The double nature of matter and waves - or
of their behavior - as both particles and waves seems to
have been a problem among physicist. In the "dimension model" here
this apparently contradictory behavior is traced back to
the fundamental opposition between inward and outward direction
and the geometries of opposite, complementary d-degree poles,
including angle steps:
- particle character in inward direction,
enclosed centers, circular geometries,
- wave character in outward direction,
radial geometries, direction towards more
Three simple facts could illustrate the view
a) Photons of light waves with high energy
can create electron - positron pairs in the neighborhood
of heavy atoms "which can absorb their momentum",
according to the interpretation of physicists.
In terms of the model here we can say
that the heavy atom as neighborhood defines the radiation
of photons as inward direction, and the absorption of momentum
as one d-degree less of motions (~ higher degree of structure).
b) The so called photoelectric effect, which
implies that there is need of a certain energy in the single
beam, equivalent to a certain frequency, for the beam to
knock out an electron from an atom shell, is an example
of the particle-like or quantum-like property of the light.
This is also an example where light has the inward direction.
c) When atoms absorb a light wave quantum,
coming in inward direction, it is transformed to a higher
"circular" amplitude of electrons in the atomic
shell. With return of the electron to a lower level, the
energy is transformed to outward directed, radial radiation
* Even electrons has this double nature
as particle like and waves, which should be possible to
interpret in the same way: dependent on the direction, but
in another d-degree than the photons of electromagnetic
In outward direction from the atom nucleus
as center, the electron should get its wave character, while
as directed inwards towards the nucleus get its particle-like
This can be thought of as two moments in the Coulomb relation.
Outwards and inwards directions translated
into the poles of 3rd d-degree: circular-radial:
- a centrifugal impulse moment, and in the rotation a tangential
and a centripetal vector.
The aspects here give two different models of the atom,
which can be said to depend on the direction of view: outward
direction gives radially waves or electrons as "clouds";
(cf. Schrödinger's wave functions), inward direction
gives electrons as particles in orbitals (as the Bohr model)
The dimension chain with indicated directions in point
4 above should rather, perhaps, be drawn as in the figure
below, with charges and radiation in different steps:
general interpretation here of matter
(properties of Mass and Charge) with particle like character
is seeing them as a kind of "inversion" of vector
fields - in "negative" or inward direction.
(Note that we even among human beings as "particles"
have a kind of interference phenomena - grouping together
and no mans land between them... And in embryology we have for instance
cellular tissue of skin which gets extinguished between
Longitudinal and transversal waves:
(Shortened: L-/T-waves.)
L-waves (as sound waves, variations of densities
along the path way in a field, is a 1-dimensional motion,
antiparallel motions "to and from each other",
in a relation of 180°:
→← →
They should represent the kind
of waves in d-degree 4. (Compare the first identifications
here, the "physical quantity" in d-degree step
5→4, identified only with
the concept Density.)
We can presume that gravitational waves is of this kind,
or rather the "GA"-waves, "G"
for acceleration inwards, "A" for acceleration
outwards, according to the interpretation of
forces and "MEGA"-fields.
T-waves, the transversal electromagnetic waves
(EM-waves) , implies motions in 3 directions, along both
the path way and transversal to this in two orthogonal directions,
that of the E- and the M-vectors as polarized planes, a
90° relation.
a. Polarization:
- L-waves: polarized in 1 dimension = that of the propagation
- T-waves: polarized in 3 dimensions, one along the propagation
b. Propagation directions:
- L-waves: propagates in 3 dimensions, spherically, around
a central source.
- T-waves: propagates in 1 dimension, linearly.
There is a need for a third kind of waves here, between
these to kinds above, to get a scheme which fits in our
dimension model: waves which should be polarized in 2 dimensions
and propagate in 2 directions. Connected with which fields?
Wave types and different temperature
rotation translation
of motion
- L-waves: connected to and generated by vibrations
- R-waves connected with rotation ?
- T-waves: connected with translations of charged particles,
R-waves generated by rotation? The rather unknown "rotons"
of circular structure (vortices) are mentioned in studies
of liquids as liquid Helium.
Why shouldn't they exist also in the development
of macrocosm from fields to aggregated masses?
Quanta of waves:
vibration rotation
[phonons] [rotons] [photons]
Wave types and their connection with elementary physical
In this model identifications of elementary physical
concepts (qualities rather than quantities) with the different
dimension degrees has been done as below (see the presentation):
5 →
4 → 3 → 2 → 1 → 0/00
Density Vector
Mass Charge Distance Motion
Space One could eventually presume a description of wave types
as follows:
- L-waves: Density variations in vector fields ?
- R-waves: Field variations in masses / space ?
- T-waves: Mass-Space variations in charges ?
Reasonable or not - ? - the waves can be understood as expressions
for the motions out of lost d-degrees in structure of a
unit. The variations conceived as the source of the
waves. (Since energy and mass are equivalent,
we ought to have at least a little mass variation when the
atom absorbs or emits electromagnetic radiation = T-waves.)
R-waves again: it seems as these waves or "rotons"
are created at borders, through the polarity (and friction?)
between solid matter and liquid, or more generally by difference
in just Densities (and/or or velocities). If so, they could
perhaps be interpreted as "derivations" from L-waves.
(More about the 4→3-step
and rotation here.)
A summary of d-degree aspects:
R-waves T-waves
D-degree of the physical
quantity that varies 4
? 2
D-degree of propagation 3
? 1
Wave motion as structure 1
? 3
We have the dimension chain of motions in the opposite
direction to the dimension chain of structure.
The role of waves in polarizations of d-degrees to lower
d-degrees - ?
L-waves as motions become an aspect on the separation
of matter→←
→vacant space: matter in
maxima, vacant space in minima, in universe.
(Together with eventual "R-waves"
in next step polarizing matter in orbital planes
Perhaps could also the separation of plus-
and minus-charges in microcosm be interpreted in terms of
longitudinal and rotational waves? E
Formally in this model lower d-degrees, ultimately motions,
are assumed as polarizing forces in relation to the higher
d-degrees. If we see waves as these motions, and these waves
meeting "from outside", "the other way around",
the 1-dimensional L-waves should polarize d-degree 4 to
3, 2-dimensional "R-waves" polarize 3 towards
2, that is to the property of Charge,
and with 3-dimensional T-waves we get a turn
in the direction,
in the middle of the chain, so T-waves should uphold and
confirm themselves and the existence of charges as their
( Longitudinal waves on the 4-dimensional field level are
perhaps also expressed in what we conceive as the expansion
of Universe and its counterdirection Gravitation, contraction?)
Critical notes:
Here as elsewhere the difficulty with this model appears:
where to find the unpolarized d-degrees 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 which
according to the model are binding forces in relation to
lower d-degrees? They seem to have only a geometrical existence,
not possible to identify in the physical world? (Einstein's
4-dimensional space-time is of course accepted but as a
geometrical, mathematical concept.) More here.
According to the model we should have 2-dimensional
waves (sea waves are one example) in d-degree 3, related
to Masses and 3-dimensional Space. They should imply the
loss of 1 d-degree in the spreading or propagation, to "orbital"
planes. We could probably see such waves in the Schrödinger's
wave functions for electron shells, and as a physicist has
proposed in late decades, behind maintaining of the (plane)
structure of the spiral arms of our galaxy (what he called
"density waves" (if so derived to d-degree 2). Are they then connected with rotation,
the typical 2-dimensional motion, or are there another principle
behind the degradation of 3-dimensional propagation to 2-dimensional
planes? If coupled with rotation of masses, they
could possibly be interpreted in connection with the despised
centrifugal force (cf. about spin).
Then we have (presumably) other types
of 2-dimensional waves in pure electric fields and pure
magnetic fields? The bigger problem in this model is that
we have "no place in the dimension chain left"
for a new pair of complementary forces as d-degree poles
between G-A-forces and M-E-forces! Could the weak force Fw be connected with
R-waves in 2 dimensions -?? - with some counterpart in macrocosm?
Or rather the strong force? Or should one assume that the
A-G-forces as poles 4b-4a of d-degree 3 not are connected
with L-waves but with 2-dimensional "R-waves",
rotations an expression for these "waves"?! L-waves spreading in three dimensions
should in that case be attributed to the not polarized 4-dimensional
fields created between the poles center and anticenter.
(In ordinary physics seen as the 4-dimensional space-time). (Cf.
perhaps the physicists concept vector bosons as quanta of
field waves?)
And what about 4-dimensional waves in d-degree
1 of structure, with poles assumed as charges +/- ? They
should, according to the scheme, spread or propagate in
0 dimensions - ! - or in Time only!
- Nodes 0 ---- 00 (or ac - c - ac - c for a wavelength
along the path line, defined by the electron jumps in the
← 00 → 0 ← 00 ← 00 → 0 ←
00 → 0 ← path
D-degree 1 of motional
structure in d-degree 4.
- To --- from the path line, the variation directions in
the EM- vectors.
↑ ↓ — ↑ ↓ — ↑ ↓ — ↑ ↓ — ↑ ↓ ——>
path line
D-degree 2 in d-degree 3.
- E -- M-vectors, orthogonal (90°) to each other:
D-degree 3 in d-degree 2.To this comes
- Phase displacement 90°:
D-degree 4 (including Time) in d-degree 1
(Since analysis is optional according to this model, an
electromagnetic wave should be possible to analyze as a
5-dimensional motion too, To the motions in 3 directions
(x, y, z) comes plane and circular polarization of light.
Unpolarized light: the vibrations define
volumes, d-degree 3
Plane-polarized light: vibrations define planes, d-degree
Unpolarized light is often described as
motions "in all planes perpendicular to the path line".
There must be a change of aspects (?) in this formulation:
there is only one plane perpendicular to the path line,
seen in the direction of propagation, while all other planes
of variation include the path line, seen from the side.)
In simple geometry definitions:
According to a roughly sketched elementary hypothesis,
the 3rd d-degree will be polarized into radial and circular
This polarity, in the dimension chain of motions, is
transformed to the amplitude variations of the radial vector
fields, defining a circular circumference in the transverse
In d-degree 2 then we have the complementary
poles of E- and M-field variations, defining perpendicular
planes, and the line, the d-degree of Distance, he common
coordinate axis for the two partial planes E and M, in motions
as sine/cosine waves (convex/concave forms)..
A wave period (or wave length) should most likely be seen
as structured in simultaneousness (backwards-forwards at
the same time). In some respect should then a time division
within a wavelength be impossible. (This perhaps a fact
with coupling to Heisenberg´s uncertainty principle?)
Added here:
As the electromagnetic T-waves includes both longitudinal
factors and the doubly transversal ones, we could ask if
not the assumed type of waves in gravitational and outward
acceleration fields (and eventual "R-waves") take
part in these T-waves? Behind the typical character
of interference for example we could perhaps trace the influence
from FG - FA-waves?
How electromagnetic waves can propagate through vacant space
has sometimes been seen as a mystery
With the dimension model here the Vacant
Space (in line with Dirac etc.) is interpreted as the complementary
pole to matter. With this starting point matter and vacant
space should be interpreted as coupled via underlying level
or higher d-degree as simultaneous results of a polarization.
Coupled as "negative" energy and positive energy:
- E-field: as outward direction from the atom, from matter
as the center pole..
- M-field, as inward direction, from vacant space
as antimatter, the anticenter pole 00.
Negative energy -Emc2 raised to zero:
The meeting with the complementary vacant space as "negative"
energy" should imply a momentary depolarization on
some level. We could presume the description that the negative
energy repeatedly is raised to the E0-level, that of the
path line.
Phase displacement as the cause:
The phase displacement between E- and M-fields
seems as the real cause to the propagation and the condition
for it, the possibility of pacing out a distance, - as the
two legs of human beings in walking, while center of gravity
Energy E0 as the source:
The propagation way itself as a series of nodes 0-00-0-00
should be defined as energy zero or an E0-line, the border
between E- and E+ as polar energy forms.
The secondary plus-energy (E´+),
expressed in the frequency of the wave, depends on how
often the wave passes this E0-border.
We can say that the wave actually gets
its energy from E0 as the primary source of complementary
energy forms, with roots in the 5th dimension degree.
Breathing vacant space:
The light wave is breathing vacant space, that is another
way to express the E/M-relation. As the atom does according
to assumptions here. And that its existence as a partial structure
with positive energy is established through this respiration
still more directly than that of material particles.
In this context we could remember the deflection
of light passing the sun. Einstein's interpretation in terms
of the curved space-time met critics who suggested that the
magnetic field around the sun could be responsible for this
deflection. This seems reasonable according to the view here:
the light wave disturbed by this magnetic fields orientation,
"undernourished" or eventually overfed in its dependence
on it (the inward directed "negative energy" of
Vacant Space "sucked out" around big masses in some
sense). The effect could be the curved Space and shouldn't
necessary contradict the view of Einstein?
Life reproduction:
The propagation of the waves can be interpreted as
a kind of consecutive copying out of the vacant space, with
vacant space as "material", and in a real sense
then the propagation shows the fundamental structure of
biological reproduction.
Compare for example the construction of
lipids for cell membranes /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ as
an illustration of a periodical decimal fraction (1/7),
and how cells through copying with help of material from the
surrounding and division are feeding their own proceeding
Hence, the light can be seen as the very
model for eating and reproduction: the biological partition
and duplication (out of the environment).
Lumosomes as chromosomes:
We have the similarity too between a light wave and the DNA
spiral or "helix": the complementary bases G - C,
A - T (even if two pairs in chromosomes, and something like
a phase displacement and the turning around its axis - similar
to a circular polarized light wave ...
The backbone as a light wave!
These E- and M-fields with a phase displacement give the picture
of two counterdirected gradients with origin in one
(In the figure above has the perpendicular direction
of vibration been ignored.)
We can compare this structure with the way in which the
chord string and the backbone vertebrae are build-in
into one another or joined during certain stages in the
embryonic development of vertebrates. (Then discs between
vertebrae as a softer kind of "antimatter" ...).
Light waves reproducing themselves:
A dimension chain has the meaning too of 5 "derivation
steps" leading to a secondary 5-dimensional unit, according
to postulates. Such a mathematical chain in 4 steps is the
example below:
___sin x _______cos x _______-sin x_______-cos x___
y´__________y"__________y'" _________y"" |
(5th step as a pole exchange 0/00?)
Numbers of a dimension chain inverted:
Arc tan 1/3 + arc tan 1/2 + arc tan 1/1 = 90° = the
angle and phase displacement between E- and M-field components
in the light wave. Electromagnetic waves generated in d-degree
steps 3 → 2 →1
according to viewpoints here.
Amplitude - Frequency:
Amplitude and frequency is joined physical quantities
in a simple electromagnetic sine wave. They are expressions
for complementary energy forms:
- potential energy: - amplitude,
- kinetic energy: - frequency.
They could be seen as results of a polarization of energy
E0 in 3rd d-degree, a polarization of the type circular
/ radial.
An energy quantum as an amplitude difference in the atom
gets translated outwards to energy expressed in the frequency
of the electromagnetic wave. That is, we could say, a conversion
of the energy form from circular to radial, from
amplitude to frequency, from potential energy to kinetic
These energy forms are translated into one another at absorption
and emission of radiation:
- amplitude becomes a measure of received and absorbed energy,
- frequency a measure of emitted energy.
A → f
: outwards
f ← A inwards
The difference in energy forms can be described from the
viewpoint of forces:
- amplitude can be interpreted as a measure of the strength
of the polarizing force, acting inwards.
- frequency inversely interpreted as a measure of the strength
of the binding force (strongest furthest in), at
translation outwards.
The translation - or inversion - from
frequency to amplitude represents inward direction. The
inversion from amplitude to frequency the outward direction.
(A little letter symbolism:
f as in frequency can be written 1/T for Time. In DNA, the gene code, we have
the base pair A--T, T representing the
binding between the to chains of DNA, that is
in its "inward direction". In its outward direction,
when copying
to RNA, the T-base is replaced with the U-base. Compare
development of speech sounds from u to v, from v to
f, f as
in frequency!)
Amplitude - as connected with inward direction, absorption
of energy, is then related to the 00-pole, with anticenter.
Frequency, emitted energy, is related to the 0-pole, with
the center.
Concepts as "strong" and "weak"
energy becomes complementary, not only degrees of something
on a scale. One step for an electron between high amplitudes
(high potential energies) gives radiation of low energy,
low frequency. One electron jump between low amplitudes
(near the nucleus) gives high radiation energy, high frequency.
Frequency modulation gives a longitudinal information
wave, a density variation along the propagation way. Amplitude
modulation gives a transversal information wave, perpendicular
to the propagation direction. - That means a relation at
right angles, as radial versus circular geometry from the
viewpoint of the atom.
The same relation occurs in the nervous
system: There is amplitude modulation of nerve signals
in the membranes of nerve cells - to compare with atom shells,
and frequency modulation in the nerve fibers - to compare
with the EM-waves radially emitted from the atom.
Higher amplitudes could be thought of as corresponding
to increasing potentials towards lower d-degrees in a dimension
chain, longer distances to the E0-line:
Size is translated into numbers, numbers translated
into size. Size: amplitude. Number: frequency. Inverse quantities (or qualities) in a
simple sine wave.
(A dimension potential, which in a d-degree step outwards
gets polarized to outer poles in next lower d-degree, will
also be translated into quantities or numbers signifying
the potential value of the lower d-degree. This according
to a hypothesis in in this model. A certain d-degree step
could in that case represent a certain number of something.
It ought to imply that a number of equal
units of something, for example of wavelengths - primarily
should be quantified in groups of different sizes, representing
d-degrees. And mean that nothing will happen before such
a group has been "added up".?)
There is a beautiful formula and series for possible electron
jumps in hydrogen atoms (H), the so called Lyman-Balmer-Paschen-Brackett
series. If we count with only 5 of the possible jumps, we
have them as in he figure below:
Dimension chain numbers as in opposite direction.
Visible light marked with shading.
The formula:
Rydberg's constant for the spectral lines of H, hydrogen:
RH = 1,0967758 x 107 (x 1/m)
For m = 2, n = 5 - 4 - 3
we get these wave length below
The quotients between them, times 100, give reduced the
A-numbers for three of the RNA-bases: U-A-G.
UAG and UGA is stop codons in the process
of protein synthesis, and AUG, the codon for Meth, is starting
the process.
What about the C-base, 111 A? Lowest spectral
line of oxygen (O) is 4368 Å, divided with the H-line
in the middle above 4863 Å is 1,11..... (Other possibilities
And what should these spectral lines have to do with A-numbers
of the RNA-bases? Or why shouldn't they?
Compare all numbers we can get for amino
acids, grouped after the codons, from the number chain of
5 - 4 - 3- 2 - 1...See The
Genetic code.
Chromosomes too seems to have a double nature of particles
/ waves, in some respects follow the same structure model
as light waves, although on a much superposed level
- There are chromosome "granules" - and spiral
wave forms on different levels of organization and / or
in different phases.
Chromosomes are sometimes drawn as knots on a string.
It is the parted chromosome, the single
thread which copies itself through material in the environment,
in processes of the cell and its reproduction.
EM-waves - additional aspects and hypotheses:
- Light velocity
- Length of a photon?
- Hypothesis about polarizations between long and short
- Hypothesis about "side waves"
- Phase waves