The Genetic CodeMathematical patterns in assignment of codons to amino acids
Abbreviations - ways of writing

Ams = amino acids (ama = amino acid)
00 = infinity sign (∞).

20 ams --> 24 codons: i.e. 4 ams with double codons:

Arg 1, 2: codons CG + AG-A/G;
Ser 1, 2: codons UC + AG-U/C;
Leu 1, 2: codons CU + UU-A/G; and
Ileu 1, 2: codons AU-A +AU-U/C, only differing in third base

3rd bases in the codons:

Codons with where A or G in 3rd place makes no difference, written A/G,
where Uor C in 3rd position makes no difference = U/C.

Parts of an amino acid:

R = R-chain(s) = the "radical chain" of amino acids = "side" chains
   = the differing part of ams not taking part in the peptide binding.
B = B-chain(s) = "ground chain" =
   = the similar parts of ams which through condensation combines to peptide       chains.

B:         H2N-CH-COOH


All sums refer to mass number A where not anything else is mentioned.
They refer to R-chains where not anything else is denounced.

Codon groups, way of writing:
G1 - C1 - U1 - A1 = ams-groups coded by G-C-U-A respectively as first base.
G2 - C2 - U2 - A2 =        "                             "                "          as second base.

Codon types, used denominations:

"Cross-codons" = GU-UG-AC-CA   
"Form-codons"  = GA-UC-AG-CU   
"Pair-codons"    = GG-UU-AA-CC   
"RNA-codons"   = GC-UA-AU-CG         6 ams in each group.

/\ = sign for inversion of numbers


A-numbers for the RNA-DNA-bases with +1 for the bond to ribose:

G = 151
A = 135
U = 112
C = 111…sum 509, + T 126 = 635.

© Åsa Wohlin
Free to distribute if the source is mentioned.
Texts are mostly extractions from a booklet series, made publicly available in year 2000.

Links and Notes

To the background model

   Table 24 ams A, Z, N

- ways of writing -

List on 17 plus 1
short files

The 17 files
as one document, pd



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