Biology / An elementary 5-dimensional model applied in different sciences
Heredity - Environment

Heredity: the factor from inside, with the embryo cell as the center, the 0-pole in our model.

Environment: the factors from outside, from the surrounding world, as anticenter, the 00-pole.

Fig HE-1-199-1

All the processes of biological evolution, those that are called random mutations and those implying selection, adaptations to environment, can be described as results of the opposite forces: as processes between divergent forces from inside heredity and the differentiating, polarizing forces from outside the environment.

The two poles heredity and environment has naturally a common source, the same root in an underlying "whole", which constitute the binding force between them. (And the environment for an organism is not least other organisms, others’ heredity.). An organism as a 0-pole is half of the whole. It’s 1/2 on many different inner chemical and biological levels, which are expressed in "needs". Of water, food (energy), communication…

With such a commonplace description, using terminology from the dimension model, it becomes perhaps easier to understand an evolution towards superposed levels and more and more complex organisms as given, as a process through dimension chains and level chains
    Fig HE-2-182-2

* Cf. sexual reproduction often at changes of environment.

Only random mutations and "natural selection" through the survival of the best adapted (this circular definition) can hardly explain the further evolution from immensely well adapted bacteria.

Some words about and "random" mutations, the concept "chance" : If it should exist real chance and not only causes practically difficult to determine, it could be illustrated as a certain direction of movement outwards in a not yet defined or homogeneous surrounding. The direction of locomotion cannot in this case be specified in relation to "north-south-east-west" or anything else, it becomes "random". A specified surrounding reduces chance – governs the development towards the causally determined.

"Natural selection"
could be described in terms of "counter-directions".
   When an organism with a certain inheritance meets a suitable environment, it may be interpreted as a relation between complementary poles of equivalent energy, which maintains vital processes, simply illustrated for individual 1 in the figure below.

Individual 2 has to develop or change environment not to die.  

   Heredity – Environment    Fig HE-3-200-1

Rotation of arrows from environment in the figure gives a favorable counter-direction for individual 2.

Where goes in reality the border
between heredity and environment?
   Earlier, it has surely most often been drawn at the birth of a child, but also the circumstances during embryonic stage in the womb are an environment and naturally chemicals in blood from the mother.
   Should we perhaps also regard all cytoplasm with organelles in the cell, all but DNA as environment?
   If RNA from the mother in cytoplasm of the first egg cell as it is said is responsible for first cell divisions, this RNA is perhaps varying dependent upon "outer" circumstances and hence an environmental factor?
   Cf. in later decades new insights within epigenetics.

About viewpoints: There is a tendency to stress the importance of heredity in direction of sight inwards – backwards towards past times and downwards towards social strata. While the importance of environment is stressed in opposite direction of sight, towards the future and upwards in the hierarchies. It becomes actually a consequence of the sight directions (cf. fig. 1 above):
   Fig HE-4-200-2

Both heredity and environment are natural phenomena
, "given by Nature" as poles out of the whole. When there is talk about aggression as a part of human heredity and not possible to change, only control, the speakers seem to forget that this will to control the evil results of heredity is given by Nature too, by definition.
   The same concerns such things as the contamination of environment by human beings with for instance chemical pollution or radioactivity. Regarded from some "objective" or inorganic position, outside existing plants and animals, the ’human’ behavior could look like a driving force of Nature towards increased frequency of mutations for eventual other new species to arise (perhaps as a result of mankind’s evolution towards the 00-pole – and a turn to inward direction = a tendency to suicide. Unfortunately, both the destruction of environment and the forces that want to save it have to be understood as forces of Nature.




© Åsa Wohlin
Free to distribute if the source is mentioned.
Texts are mostly extractions from a booklet series, made publicly available in year 2000

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To the background model

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(in italics within brackets)


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Applications of the concepts on
(Files linked to Brain parts in Biology.)
A book "The I versus the Ego"
(only in Swedish),
departing from this same model,
is presented in English here

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