The Genetic Code - 17 short files Mathematical patterns in assignment of codons to amino acids
7. Pyramids of numbers

1. An elementary chain:              0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5


Sums of pyramids 208 + 176 = 384.
Compare number 385, the amino acids changing position from G+C-group to A+U-group and the reverse from 1st base order to 2nd base order:

Note: Pyramids not complete, last step 2 → 1 → 0 (8-2-0) not included in number 208.
   See subsets 132 , 88: GA = AG = 132. GU + AC = 88 = UC + CU.

2. If the number pyramid for 208 is developed with step 2-->1:

158 + 1 = pure G-C-codons: GG+GC+CC+CG
574 + 1 = pure A-U-codons: AA+AU+UU+UA

3. Expanded pyramid on the chain 2x2 including a step 5-6
    and the "orbital series" as intervals (instead of the cumulative series above):

- 1504 = 24 ams R

- 886 = 704 + 182 = ½ x 24 ams, B-chains
- 752 = 460 + 292 = ½ x 24 ams, R-chains (Cf. numbers of the Exponent series.)

- 1638 = ½ x 3276, 24 ams R+G

- 1368 = ½ x 2736 = 20 ams R+B, +1

- 544 = G+C-coded ams R
  960, 2 x 480, = A+U-coded ams R

- If the left pyramid is completed,we get 864 + 480 = 1344:
  1344 = 24 ams B-chains in peptide binding à 56 A.

- Inner part of the left pyramid:

               208        320 + 208 = 528 = Z-number A+U-coded ams
               112        320 + 112 = 432 = N-number A+U-coded ams.

How then derive a 6th step as expression for a 6th dimension,
if we keep to the fundamental hypothesis or conceptual structure
of 5 elementary ones?
   We could presume the triplet of the superposed level, 9-7-5,
divided in triplets 654 + 321 e.g.?

4.   1234 as another kind of pyramids:



© Åsa Wohlin:
Free to distribute if the source is mentioned.
Texts are mostly extractions from a booklet series, made publicly available in year 2000.


Links and Notes

To the background model


Table 24 ams A, Z, N

- ways of writing -

List on 17 short files

The 17 files
as one document, pdf


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