1. A-number of unbound B-chain 74, in bonds 56:
a. Inversion of the A-base mass number 135: /\ =74 0 74 0 74 0
... x 10x
b. Sum of B-chains of 24 ams unbound: 1772:
Corresponding factor chain in inward direction
(1 x 45, 2 x 34 etc.) gives the sum 235 = 5 x 47.
47 = Cys, R-chain: Cys-Cys-bonds
in proteins are responsible for much of their more entangled structures.
d. "Quark numbers" (more about "quark numbers"
B-chain 74 A before peptide binding.
Condensation - 18 = 56 A.
"Quark" 74 plus 2 "anti-quarks"
47, divided by 3, gives a new number as "quark" etc.:
e. 3 B-chains à 56 A in peptide binding:
56 56 > √ = 752,101,
x 2 = 1504,2. ~ 24 ams R