The Genetic Code - 17 short files Mathematical patterns in assignment of codons to amino acids
11. B-chains some more aspects

1. A-number of unbound B-chain 74, in bonds 56:

a. Inversion of the A-base mass number 135: /\ =74 0 74 0 74 0 ... x 10x

b. Sum of B-chains of 24 ams unbound: 1772:

   Corresponding factor chain in inward direction (1 x 45, 2 x 34 etc.) gives the sum 235 = 5 x 47.

      47 = Cys, R-chain: Cys-Cys-bonds in proteins are responsible for much of their more entangled structures.

d. "Quark numbers" (more about "quark numbers" here):

    B-chain 74 A before peptide binding. Condensation - 18 = 56 A.

    "Quark" 74 plus 2 "anti-quarks" 47, divided by 3, gives a new number as "quark" etc.:

e. 3 B-chains à 56 A in peptide binding:

                 56 56 56 —> = 752,101, x 2 = 1504,2. ~ 24 ams R

2. Valences for the atoms in the B-chains of ams:

3. Atoms of a B-chain and dominating atoms in main classes of substances:



© Åsa Wohlin:
Free to distribute if the source is mentioned.
Texts are mostly extractions from a booklet series, made publicly available in year 2000.


Links and Notes

To the background model


Table 24 ams A, Z, N

- ways of writing -

List on 17 short files

The 17 files
as one document, pdf


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