The Genetic Code - 17 short files Mathematical patterns in assignment of codons to amino acids
8.   3276 - 1504 - 544 - 960...
Some other derivations of masses for codon groups

1. A chain 2x2, (x = 5-1) :    50 - 32 - 18 - 8 - 2,   x lg 2:

Compare with the triplet series.

Abbreviated numbers:

2. Dimension steps as products of the type Force x Distance:

   (Sum of squares: 202 + 122 + 62 + 22 = 584, = 2 x the number 292,
   cf. the "Exponent series".)

The series 20 - 12 - 6 - 2, a) squared, b) times 2:

400 — 144 — 36 — 4: Sum 584

x 2: 800 —/ \— 288 — 72 — 8
     from 4 x 4 Cf. 16 times first 3 numbers of the 2x2 chain.

3. 1504 as product sums from 2-figure reading in "two--level chain":

  C1 + A1-coded ams = 850        (U2 + G2-coded = 848) R-chains
  U1 + G1-coded ams = 654        (C2 + A2-coded = 656) "

         (Cf. on menu Biochemistry "Numbers: DNA-RNA", point 1:
         In a corresponding way one gets the mass sums for DNA- and RNA-bases.)


Compare the square with numbers 1-9 placed to give the sum 15 in each row vertically, horizontally and diagonally:

- Diagonals rightwards   = 654 / 852.
- Middle vertical row      = 753, ½ x 24 ams R-chains +1.
- Middle horizontal row = 159 = ams with pure G-C-codon, R: GG+GC+CG+CC.

Cf. also Uranium, N-Z-numbers from such a square.

4. 2x-series and the number for the total sum, 3276:

5. One suspect hypothesis in background papers:

   The sum of outer poles in d-degree 4 = 10, eventually appearing as log base in outward direction, the sum of poles in d-degree 0/00 = 2 appearing as log-base in inward direction: 2 the principle number for divisions, polarizations.

   Sum of a dimension chain: 5+4+3+2+1 = 15:

215 = 323 = 3276,8 x 10

6. 544 as sum of 1st, 2nd and 3rd derivative of 4 with exponent 4:

y = 44 = 256
y' = 4 x 43 = 256
y"= 12 x 42 = 192
y'" = 24 x 41 = 96.... Sum 544


© Åsa Wohlin:
Free to distribute if the source is mentioned.
Texts are mostly extractions from a booklet series, made publicly available in year 2000.


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To the background model


Table 24 ams A, Z, N

- ways of writing -

List on 17 short files

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