2. Similarities of number divisions along different
"axes of polarizations"
1. A-N-Z: Summary 24 ams, different codon pair groups:
2. "Pair"-pairing. A-numbers:
Compare the amino acids derived from the
citrate cycle.
3. Note:
301 ~ Z G1 + C1 +1
243 ~ N G1 + C1 - 1
4. "Form"-pairing, ~ same intervals:
688 = Z-number for 20 ams, without
the double-coded ams, Arg, Ser, Ile, Leu.
570 = N-number for 20 ams, -"-
Sum: 1258.
246 also = sum of the 4 double-coded
ams, R-chains.
5. N- plus Z-numbers from opposite groups, R-chains:
G1 + G2: N, + C1 + C2: Z = 543
G1 + G2: Z, + C1 + C2: N = 545.......544
-/+ 1, ~ G+C
U1 + U2: N, + A1 + A2: Z = 963
U1 + U2, Z, + A1 + A2: N = 957.......960
+/- 3, ~ A+U
6. G + A and U + C: A-numbers divided as R - B-chains:
24 ams:
*Compare perhaps the role of A- and G-bases as coenzymes
in the protein synthesis.?
Cf. the keto-/amino acid polarity:
G1 + G2 + U1 + U2 = 1414 + 1862 = 3276
C1 + C2 + A1 + A2 = 1149 + 2127 = 3276, an equal division
7. A-numbers R+B-chains divided as N - Z:
G1 + U2 = 1516 = the total number N of
24 ams. R+B
G2 + U1 = 1760 = the total number Z of
24 ams "
C2 + A1 = 1515 = N -1.
C1 + A2 = 1761 = Z +1,
8. 1468-1808, same A-sums and divisions N-Z, R+B-chains:
G1 + G2 + U1 + U2: N = 684 + 832 = 1516
= total sum N
C1 + A1 + C2 + A2: Z = 976 + 784 = 1760 =
total sum Z
9. Grouping after 1st base type equivalent with 1st code base
groups +/-2:
10. Division between 3rd bases in types and N-Z:
To the left: ams with U1 or U2 in their codons,
all derived from stations before the citrate cycle.
To the right the other.
Number 638 divided 352-286:
number 385 about factor 11.
11. Basic and acidic ams: N-Z-numbers divided as on the 2
ams in each pair:
12. Cross- plus Form-coded ams, A-numbers, R-chains: same
between G and C, A and U as between
N and Z (+/-1 in A1-U1-groups):
We have a connection N-number ~ Form-coded ~ R-chains,
and Z-number ~ Cross-coded ~ B-chains.
See more about these groups and number
13. Numbers 714-792 from the triplet series:
* 1258: sum of 20 ams R, without double-coded ams:
14. Compare codon bases and nucleotides:
See also similarities
in number of atoms, file
3 here. |
© Åsa Wohlin:
Free to distribute if the source is mentioned.
Texts are mostly extractions from a booklet series, made publicly available
in year 2000.
Links and Notes
To the background
24 ams A, Z, N
- ways of writing -
on 17 short files
17 files
as one document, pdf
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