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Fatty Acids - Lipids: general dimensional views

1) Fatty acids, bound to Glycerine, build the cell membranes,
(together with P-groups, P for phosphorus)..

Cell membranes is a 2-1-dimensional structure of lipids:
Glycerine as "the backs",
- binding 2-3 fatty acids as 1-dimensional zigzag chains turned toward one another: inside-outside as opposite poles:

2) Most common fatty acids in the animal kingdom: C:18, C:16, C18:1.
palmitic and stearic acids with 18 or 15 C-atoms. (18:1 means one double bond.).

A-numbers of the most common fatty acids in animals:    Mass-(= A)numbers
   33 % Palmitic acid, saturated: C15H31COOH————256
   17 % Stearic acid,   saturated: C17H35COOH————284
   35 % Oleic acid , unsaturated: C17H33COOH————282

   (Mean value for the 3 fatty acids charged = 273. Sum of the 3 charged = 819:
   819 = 1/4 of 3276, A-number sum for the 24 amino acids, with 4 double coded)

3) Reading number of C-atoms in C-bits as dimensional numbers?
Membranes as d-degree 2 between outer poles 3a - 3b: Numbers of C-atoms:

The synthesis of the fatty acid chains: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/COOH
is a process between Acetyl~ (C2) and Malonyl~ (C3) with removal of C1.

Presumed geometry : circular versus radial as the complementary poles in a 90° polarity:

4) Closely examined, it isn't made up of n x C2-pieces (CH2-CH2) directly. Instead:
Start:       C2
Added:    C3 : Malonyl~ , x 7-8 = + 7 - 8 C3 = + C21 - C24
Deducted C1   in each turn.

At the combination C2 + C3-piece = C5 one Cl is removed.:
In the first step there is a division C5 ---> C4 + C1.

The synthesis as a repeated process, seen as occurring in the d-degree step 3 - 2,
of a simple dimension chain, as regards the number of C-atoms:

5) Mass-numbers A: and and sum of outer poles called "E"-numbers in the dimension chain:

Malonyl~ , when derived from Pyruvate, implies a change of the direction, as in a
d-degree step 3-2.:

6) The synthesis as an oscillation between poles 4a - 3a in step 3-2 - or in step d-degree 4 - 3?

The multienzyme complex where the synthesis occur can give a picture of angle
steps in a dimension chain: between d-degree 4, presumed angle 180°, and d-degree 3, presumed angle 90°.

a. Acetyl~ binds to position (4) = (H)S-group of Cys, (side chain = 47 A, -1 H)

b. Malonyl~ binds till position (3) = another (H)S-group in P-pantetheine
    = 358 A, -1 (H). Sum: 46 + 357 = 403. (Note perhaps S , sulphur, A-number 32:)

c. Acetyl~ binds to C number 2 in Malonyl~ - and COO- is removed.

d. C4-molecule moves back to position (4), a new Malonyl-~ binds to (H)S-group at position (3) and so on.

The process in detail, for each addition of a CH2-CH2-group:

   43        + 86          - 44   + 2    -18     +2 = 71
Acetyl~ Malonyl~ - CO2 + 2H -H2O +2H


Sum of 9 stages in the synthesis to fatty acid C18
(in binding to Glycerine, without OH-group):

7) Why fatty acids of C16 and Cl8 most common among animals ?

Elementary molecules in the same chain:
The synthesis of fatty aids implies driving out of water, H2O:

The 2x2-chain as an "interval chain" in the synthesis to C18: ?

Compare double bonds in the middle of the CH2-chains and the turn at psition for number"2" in the orbital chain.

(4 of 6 C-rings = 4 x 6 = 24 C: in the structures below should then 8 or 6 C be reduced respectively, which gives C16 and C18. Figure b as steroid rings without side chains and extra CHx-groups.

8) About some numbers:

a) The π-number involved?
Lipids forming spherical membranes coupled with theπ-number?

Triplet numbers in the superposed chain above:

C18 without OH-group = 267
267/π = 85.= Malonyl~ when bound to Acetyl~.

b) The involved (H)S-groups:
    P-pantetheine, 358 -1 A and the amino acid Cys, side chain 47 -1 A):

c) P--lipid, charged P-group: division 1/3 outwards, 2/3 inwards (compare quarks!):

   (15 = sum of the dimension chain 5-4-3-2-1.)

d) Numbers from a dimension chain, similar to Uranium's Z-A-numbers:

Fatty acid C16 minus OH-group = 239 A (= C18 minus COOH-group)
Glycerine = 92 A as free molecule, minus 1 H when bound to C16 = 91:


© Åsa Wohlin
Free to distribute if the source is mentioned.
Texts are mostly extractions from a booklet series in Swedish, made publicly available in 2000.