Background model

The actual background behind this research was a very elementary 5-dimensional model or conceptual structure, suggested by the author for interpretations in theoretical physics.
   (See Physics.)

Shortly: the model, with some redefinitions of the concept dimension and the 4th d-degree implies a development from a 5-dimnsional "entirety" through polarization steps towards lower degrees 5 →> 4 →>3... with debranched degrees being translated to external motions or meeting "the other way around", see figure below.A reason to mention the background model, however primitive it may be, and include the figure, is that some of the found arithmetical patterns below reflect features of this model.

Fig. A dimension chain:

Each d-degree is supposed to be defined by the complementary poles or partial structures through polarization of the next higher one. First polarization into centre - anti-center (0 - 00) is regarded as defining d-degree 4 as vector fields, divergent / convergent, these fields through polarization transformed into 3D etc. Mass (with Space as complementary "pole"), is assumed to be defined in d-degree step 3-2, as a 3-dimensional property in its relation to Charge when this is analysed as 2-dimensional. (Level of analysis optional.) The 5th d-degree may ultimately be regarded as transformed into pure motions or kinetic energy through polarization of 1-dimensional structures in a step 1® 0/00, the "d-degree 0/00 of motions".
   The thought was that such a model, if of any value, also should reveal itself in some form in sciences of superposed levels, not least in a "main stream" development towards life and the genetic code. This with the general hypothesis that similar patterns or principles reappear on all superposed levels of higher complexity.

© Åsa Wohlin
Individual research


Links and Notes

Table 24 amino acids (ams)
R-chains, A, Z, N

- ways of writing -

Background model

Files here:

0. Amino acids and codon bases.
Why this coding system?

All these files gathered
in one document, word,
124 p.

All these files in 3 documents, pdf:
Section I, files 0-11

Section II, files 12-16
Section III, files 17-22
Discusssion, References in section III

To 17 short files.
- partly other material -

The 17 files as one document,


An earlier version (2007)
with more material
on the same subject, 73 pages



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