P- phosphorous groups - Coenzymes - Nucleotides - Met AUG


1. P-groups, the single, "inorganic" phosphorous groups:

Fig 19-1:P-groups:

A form of life was found some years ago, said to use arsenic instead of phosphorus (P), i. e. next higher element in the phosphorus group of elements in the periodic system. If so, it could of course lead to the conclusion that all such transformations between masses including phosphorus are irrelevant and in any case no necessary condition for life as an eventual part of a reference system.
   Yet, phosphorus could have had a decisive role at the very creation of the genetic code, while this not excludes further evolution?


2. Coenzymes of the bases, -MP, -DP, -TP:

2.1 Tables of masses of the coenzymes

Fig. 19-2:Survey

2.2 From 4 bases to their mass as coenzymes

Fig 19-3: 509 - 1357, 4 coenzymes -MP:

2.3  Expansion of bases nb-10 to nb-8 adds the Px-ribose groups:

Some transformations from sums of the bases to sums of their appearance as coenzymes are shown in figures below. Note expansions where 212-292-372 correspond to the P(P(P)-ribose groups:

Fig. 19-4:From the bases to coenzymes -MP, -DP, -TP

2.4   5 bases to 5 coenzymes -TP:

Fig. 19-5:

2.5   4 RNA-bases giving 5 coenzymes -DP-MP in nb-6:

Fig. 19-6:

2.6  From 751, the sum of 4 bases in nb-8,
      to 5 bases as coenzymes -TP and to 6141, the sum of 48 codon bases:

Fig. 19-7:

6141 == 15 A + 13 U + 11 G + 9 C :


3. Nucleotides:

3.1  Survey of nucleotides in chain binding:

Fig 19-8:

3,2  Two sets of the nucleotides from 2 sets of the bases
(from file 17):

The four RNA-nucleotides in chain-binding and uncharged = 345, 329, 306 and 305 =1285.
The four DNA-nucleotides (= 1285 - 4 x 16 + 14 in T-base) = 1235.

Two sets of RNA-nucleotides are given from 2 ¨times G- and C-bases in three steps nb-10 →>8, as two sets of DNA-nucleotides from 2 times A- and U-bases:

2G + 2C = 768 in nb-8:
                 768-10→> 1400-8/ 1400-10 →> 2570-8 = 2 x 1285 ~ RNA-nucleotides

2U + 2A = 734 in nb-8:
                 734-10 →> 1336-8 / 1336-10 →> 2470-8= 2 x 1235 ~ DNA-nucleotides

3.3  ES-number 752 gives in two steps the sum of 4 nucleotides in DNA and RNA:

Fig 19-9:

3.4  The 4 bound RNA-bases in nb-16 gives the 4 RNA-nucleotides in nb-10:

Fig.  19-10:


3.5  Bases read as nb-8-numbers, giving cGMP and cAMP in nb-10:

Fig. 19-11: cGMP - cAMP:


4. Met - codon AUG and tRNA-ends ACC:

, the codon for Meth, leads the string at transcriptions from DNA. Chain-bound nucleotides AUG, transformed from nb-10 to nb-8 give the whole sum of 24 ams R, 1504. There is also the equivalence between the 4 bases 509 in nb-8, the A-nucleotide 329 in nb-10 and Meth 149 (R+B) in nb-16,

Fig 19-12: AUG, codon for Meth:


5.  A-C-C - ends of tRNA:

A-C-C make up the common ends of tRNAs and one may ask why? The three bases (as unbound) give the sum 544 -/+1, the sum 5' + 4', 292 + 252 in the ES-series, when transformed in nb-8.

Fig 19-13: tRNA-ends ACC:

Cf. mass numbers for A and C from Triplets, file 21;

012 + 123 = 135 (A-base), + 234 = 357. Two of the intervals in the steps = 2 x 111 (2 x C-base).




© Åsa Wohlin
Individual research
E-mail: a.wohlin@u5d.net


Links and Notes

Table 24 amino acids (ams)
R-chains, A, Z, N

- ways of writing -

Background model

Files here:

0. Amino acids and codon bases.
Why this coding system?

All these files gathered
in one document, word,
124 p.

All these files in 3 documents, pdf:
Section I, files 0-11

Section II, files 12-16
Section III, files 17-22
Discusssion, References in section III

To 17 short files.
- partly other material -

The 17 files as one document,


An earlier version (2007)
with more material
on the same subject, 73 pages



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