22.  Other substances

Fats — Sugar — Na-Cl, Na-K-pump


Some annotations about other substances:

1.  Fatty acids

Two common fatty acids C18H36O2 = 284-10 → 1152-6 (~752 rewritten) = 3 x 384
and C16H32O2 = 256-10 → 1104-6 = 3 x 368 are already mentioned in file 17-1:

Fig. 22-1: Two comon fatty acids


2.  Carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates, some examples, transformations nb-16 → 10 → 8 or → 6:
- 12C → H2O → HCOH = 12-16 → 18-10 → 30-6, the building stone of sugar.

- O2 16 A → H2CO3 62 A (built into ribose): 32-16 → 50-10 → 62-8 = + 18, H2O, + 12, C.

- Hexoses 180 in nb-10: In nb-16 180 = 384-10 (= 2 citrate à 192 or e.g. G-8 + C-8).
- A fructose in P-P-bonds = 178: 178-16 = 376-10= ½ x 752 in the ES-chain.

- Ribose 150 as a number in nb-16 = 336 in nb-10, 544 - 208 in ES-chain.

- A disaccharide 342 or two hexoses 180 from ES-numbers as intervals in transformation   steps:
  252-16→594-10 = + 342, a disaccharide.
  146-16 → 326-10 → 506-8 (ATP charged -1) = + 180, + 180.

Fig. 2-2: Sugar synthesis


3.  Na-Cl and the Na-K-pump:

Na-Cl and Na-K-pump in the nervous system:
    Na 11 Z→Cl 17 Z→K 19 Z: Na 11-16 →Cl 17-10 →K 19-8
    Na 23 A, Cl 35 A (most common isotope): Na 23-16→> Cl 35-10

   Cf. Na, Cl, K ionized, 10 e, 18 e: in nb-10 to nb-8 = +2, number for the transport of 2H    through membranes.

Fig. 22-3:


To Discussion.

© Åsa Wohlin
Individual research
E-mail: a.wohlin@u5d.net


Links and Notes

Table 24 amino acids (ams)
R-chains, A, Z, N

- ways of writing -

Background model

Files here:

0. Amino acids and codon bases.
Why this coding system?

All these files gathered
in one document, word,
124 p.

All these files in 3 documents, pdf:
Section I, files 0-11

Section II, files 12-16
Section III, files 17-22
Discusssion, References in section III

To 17 short files.
- partly other material -

The 17 files as one document,


An earlier version (2007)
with more material
on the same subject, 73 pages



Latest updated: